In the vineyard
Favouring the natural balance
Our viticultural approach aims to maintain the natural balance, by adopting sustainable vine growing practices. The vineyard is part of a greater surrounding ecosystem and preserving the biodiversity within it is a key element of our fieldwork.
There is a relationship of appreciation and respect between the human and the vineyard. We seek to harvest grapes full of health, with an imprint of the terroir that has nourished them. We nurture the vineyard, giving back a little of what it has given us.
The undivided vineyard covers 3,3 hectares of land. The Xinomavro, which was planted in the years 1978 and 1981, occupies 2,2 hectares. The Preknadi is cultivated in the remaining 1,1 hectares and was gradually planted during the period 2006-2012.